Sunday, May 4, 2008

Genealogist Racketeers!

Who would have thunk?! Genealogists immortalized on the big screen in a less than positive light. Where were my smelling salts when I needed them!

My husband & I went to the movies last night at our favorite grand old theater complete with Wurlitzer organ solos between movies. The theater has been running the complete works of Bette Davis from 1931 to 1938. The first in the double feature was a movie called "Jimmy the Gent" starring James Cagney as Jimmy Corrigan, genealogist, and Bette as his feisty love interest.

Wait a second...James Cagney playing a genealogist!

Yep, Jimmy Corrigan is a “genealogist” con artist who seeks out the heirs of rich people who have just died for a cut of the inheritance. If he can’t find them, he makes them up for a commission. He's a hot headed fellow who more than once throws a book through the glass pane in the door to his office that has his title painted on it "Genealogist."

Ah, but a genealogist can't be all bad, and by the end of the "picture" (as Grandma always called them) Jimmy goes legit and wins his girl, Bette. A riveting story of genealogy redemption!

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